Monday, January 20, 2020

Another attempt at writing!

It is weird how writing has never come naturally to me despite having written so much. From poetries to articles, I assumed that I would be on an incline with my writing skills. But the writer’s block is real. More so the belief that this block was mightier than my desire to write made me hold back for long. But then it’s about writing what I feel, which is different from writing for an audience. The latter was never my cup of tea. Yet, it is what I most strongly desired. Today I resume writing with a hope that my feelings will pave way for better thought re- structuring and I will be able to write at least few lines about the world – my version of the world. I have always carried a critical point of view. For some reason, I had convinced myself that it is a very negative emotion to draw out in one’s writing. May be I am typical! Each time my heart goes out to the weak, not to the right. The only way to find out is to test myself against the tides and not wait and try to gauge the right tide. Sometimes, it’s the wrong ones that you ride help you believe in yourself and make people believe that there is another version of the truth.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The shades of grey

Life often sways between sunshine and thunder,
How do you describe the days in between I wonder,
When words seem to dull emotions,
What is perceived is just a notion,
The righteousness of an argument needs parity,
If it does not get categorized it lacks clarity,
For some, the point of view lies in between,
For some, life is enclosed within the area where right and wrong intertwine,
Life is sometimes beyond the definitions of black and white,
What is dark for some may be at the brink of being bright,
When emotions are desperate for that dusk between night and day,
Life unravels itself within the shades of grey.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dont just discover. Re-discover.

There is little about ourselves that we discover. That little part of ourselves is what we truly understand. The rest, is the invention of many minds around us. Most of us prefer invention over discovery. Makes life easy, doesnt it? I mean if tomorrow somebody came up to you and asked you to discover a mobile phone what would you reply? the obvious response would be, "Its already invented." We somehow carry the same attitude about ourselves. We have gradually found our comfort level with these inventions about us that have been apparently discovered by others. Very much like the dependancy on mobile phones, our lives have developed a certain dependancy on these inventions- in simple term 'opinions'. 

The basic necessity for a person to realize he is kind is for people around him to tell him that. Also, if the world calls you crazy, you pretty much scrutinize every bit of your personality. I cannot blame anyone. Afterall who wants to be an outcast. We are social animals. We have set some standards of style and behaviour without which we are nothing more than a joke for the major cluster following it. We crave for social acceptance, we fear lonliness and accepting people's opnion of who we are doesn't seem to be a very high cost to pay. But, each one of us faces that one instant in life when we feel rejected. That intricate moment when we wish to truly understand ourselves. To realize that everything we did till today was not everything we always wanted to do. It is during that moment that we begin to re-discover ourselves. to give ourselves a chance to discover an opnion for ourselves and impose it on others. 

Where everyone strives to be unique, accepting that you are like another takes courage. When you deny an opnion about yourself, you deny that very part of who you are. You know the problem with modifying an invention? You are always aware about the facts but you will never understand the gravity. Hypocrite, fake, imposter; whichever way i try to interpret it, i am very much a part of it. There are people like whom i wish to be. But, while i powder my face with that presentable look i also wish to stare at that person in the mirror and make sure that i have done enough  to understand that single person in the mirror even if i am unable to grasp the jargons of the universe. It is one thing i would always do 'come what may'. I know i have to keep coming back to that person in the mirror, give him a chance and keep re-discovering myself. 

My Valentine.

Not braced by the sanctities of human logic,
Enveloped by an aura of true magic,
When a feeling that renders sublime devotion,
You know it has surpassed mere infatuation.

What meets the eye is always incomplete,
For they rarely see how the heart beats,
Two souls resonating to a common desire,
A communication that surpasses mere gesture.

Reality then is nothing short of a dream,
On her shoulders i let my life lean,
A relationship that in every sense is true,
A bond that surpasses the need to say “I love You.”

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A lost soul.

A weary present looking back relentlessly,
a path that it traveled handicapped,
and now they call it a messed up past,
but the title cannot disguise the agony.

Feelings are not slaves of time,
Although people at times are conquered,
as countless emotions are killed by a feeble human mind,
expressions altered fail to decipher.

Sensation of that gentle touch,
dies the next moment,
a desire consequently born,
a scar waiting to be erased.

With every wish that signifies,
a feeling of meaningless sighs,
lost forever never to return,
a dream that never dies.

प्यार कि कहानी!

समय से लिपटे कुछ लम्हे ,
यादो से भीगे कुछ हम है,
किस बरस ये बंजर ज़िन्दगी खिल उठे ,
जिसकी आस लगाये बैठे , वो प्यार का मौसम है !

जब लगती है दुनिया एक ख़ूबसूरत सपना ,
जब वो एक हो जिसे हम केह पाये अपना,
वो ऋत खिले तोह कभी बीते न वो लम्हा,
फिर याद न करना पड़े वो दिल का तरसना!

आरज़ू कि एक नाज़ुक डोर ,
जो खिचती रहे हमे उसकी ओर,
उस लम्हे में ज़िन्दगी एक मधुर संगीत लगे,
सुनाई पड़े उस जगह भी, जहा मचे भीड़ का शोर!

कैसे थामे ये बेचैनी ,
कब है वो ऋत आनी,
उसे ढूंढ़ता कब से फिर रहा,
न खो जाऊ मैं बन के एक अधूरी कहानी!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


They call me good and bad, They curse me I don’t know why, They call me happy and sad, As I just keep passing by. They want me to rush at times, At times they want me to freeze, They capture me in their memories, Yet, I flow like a gentle breeze. I am treasured as a lesson, And taught to every progeny, I am provided as a ray of hope, I am a mirror of destiny. They always expect me to be prosperous, They only want me to be sublime, Mistaken that they carry me on their wrists, You’ll never control me my friend!!.... I am time..